The atomic fountain „Very Large Baseline Atom Interferometer“ (VLBAI) is a multi-functionally applicable platform for experiments for atomic interferometric inertial sensor technology in the field of geodesy and fundamental physical research.
Changes concerning the movement state of the atomic ensembles are captured atom-interferometrically in respect to the laboratory system. The length of the falling distance allows free development periods in the range of one second. In comparison to previously demonstrated atomic inertial sensors, a sensitivity for inertial effects higher by order of magnitude is ensued.
Apart from the dimensioning, which is only used in two further laboratories world-wide, a unique characteristic of VLBAI is the application of the lanthanide Ytterbium, which shows an extraordinary low sensitivity concerning surrounding magnetic fields as well as a high atomic mass. The low vulnerability to magnetic fields allows groundbreaking research in the field of stationary absolute gravimetry. At the same time the simultaneous use of Ytterbium and Rubidium atoms, because of their high mass difference and the resulting violative parameters, allows a highly sensitive investigation of the universality of the free fall.
Further information in English can be found on the website of the Institute of Quantum Optics:
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